1. O master, pillar of its lofty heights
Built at the peak of steep nobility
١. يا سَيِّدا أَركانُ عَليائِهِ
في ذَروَةِ العَيّوقِ مَبنِيّه
2. I have two balconies, neither of which
Is other than Indian teak and sandalwood
٢. عِندِيَ فَرّوجانِ ما مِنهُما
إِلّا اشبنُ هِندِيٍ وَهِندِيَّه
3. One is used for ablutions
The other to lay out his prayer rug
٣. قَد عُمِلَ الواحِدُ تُبّالَةً
وَأَصلَحَ الآخَرَ مَصلِيَّه
4. And chicks between cabinets
Draped in fine embroidered fabrics
٤. وَأَفرُخٌ ما بَينَ سَنبوسِجٍ
عَلَيهِ أَثوابُ خَلوقِيَّه
5. And half a chilled carafe whose mother
As the butcher recounted, was a ewe
٥. وَنِصفُ جَدى بارِدٍ أُمُّهُ
كَما حَكى الجَلّابُ حَوفِيَّه
6. And a gathering of goblets between which
Are fruits, none market-bought
٦. وَمَجمَعٌ بَينَ كَواميخِهِ
مُخَلَّلاتٌ غَيرَ سوقِيَّه
7. And of land-grown produce, a pumpkin
And of sea-grown, a melon
٧. وَمِن بَناتِ البَرِّ دُرّاجَةٌ
وَمِن بَناتِ البَحرِ بَنِّيَّه
8. I have cooked for you, and here is what
The cook has grilled and roasted
٨. قَد طَبَختُ لَكَ وَهاتيكَ قَد
جاءَبِها الطاهِيُّ مَشوِيَّه
9. In a pan whose edges quiver
In pods for parsley, coriander leaf
٩. في جَونَةٍ تَهتَزُّ أَعطافُها
في حُلَلٍ لِلبَقلِ جيزِيَّه
10. Gleaming for the youth, if his intention
Leads him to see her
١٠. يَلوحُ فيها لِلفَتى إِن حَدَت
بِهِ إِلى رُؤيَتِها نِيَّه
11. A yellow, thin-skinned olive
And a white, crumbly cheese
١١. زَيتونَةٌ صَفراءَ قَيسِيَّةٌ
وَجُبنَةٌ بَيضاءُ خيسِيَّه
12. Vinegar is for me a provision
In a jar I have of clay
١٢. وَخَلُّ خَمرٍ هُوَ لي عُدَّةٌ
في جَرَّةٍ عِندِيَ بِبَتِيَّه
13. And a mortar whose pounding of camphor
Is mixed with musk
١٣. وَدُقَّةٍ كافورُ أَبرازِها
مُختَلِطٌ مِنها بِمِسكِيَّه
14. Nor is it devoid, when it comes to you, of
Fine semolina dough and baklava
١٤. وَلَيسَ يَخلو حينَ تَأتيكَ مِن
رُقاقَةٍ فيها وَفُرنِيَّه
15. And if I have sweet almonds
I have filled for you almond pudding
١٥. وَإِن يَكُن عِندِيَ لَوزَينَجٌ
مَلَأتُ مِنهُ لَكَ زُبدِيَّه
16. Indeed, we have after this, a rarity
And citron and sour cherry
١٦. بَلى لَنا مِن بَعدَ ذا نَكرَةٍ
وَقَطرَميزٌ وَبُلَسقِيَّه
17. The lads have picked for us in it
Chaste fruit of a grapevine
١٧. قَد قَطَفَ الغِلمانِ فيها لَنا
سُلافَةً عَذراءَ كَرمِيَّه
18. Clear of lip, with a cheek for her
Radiant, rosy, reddish
١٨. واضِحَةَ الثَغرِ لَها وَجنَةٌ
ساطِعَةُ اللألاءِ وَردِيَّه
19. It is served in its goblet by a fair one
Whose way of giving drink is agreeable
١٩. يَزُفُّها في كاسِها مُنصِفٌ
سُنَّتُهُ في السَقى مَرضِيَّه
20. And I took the lead in taking what
Is fitting of cups and trays
٢٠. وَقَد تَقَدَّمتُ بِأَخذِ الَّذي
يُصلِحُ مِن كَوزٍ وَصينِيَّه
21. And pistachios we sprinkle between us
If we cannot find pine nuts at the time
٢١. وَفُستُقٌ نَنثُرُهُ بَينَنا
إِن لَم نَجِد في الوَقتِ نُقلِيَّه
22. And with it are amusing fruits, all
Of sharp wits and intellect
٢٢. وَعِندَها فاكِهَةٌ كُلُّها
مِنَ الفُكاهاتِ العَقيلِيَّه
23. Rapping me in its folds are
Your ears with spontaneous verse
٢٣. تَقَرَّعَ مِنّي في تَضاعيفِها
سَمعَكَ أَشعارٌ بَديهِيَّه
24. And a hearing aid you hear from, when
I sing folk tunes to you
٢٤. وَمُسمِعٌ تَسمَعُ مِنهُ إِذا
غَنّاكَ أَلحاناً سُرَيجِيَّه
25. Set to tunes which in one's nature
Are innate and instinctive
٢٥. قَد رُندِجَت بِالنَغَماتِ الَّتي
تَكونُ في الطَبعِ غَريزِيَّه
26. And we have brought with us a mattress
In it are fine Dabiqi textures
٢٦. وَقَد حَمَلنا مَعَنا مَفرَشاً
فيهِ تِكاءاتٌ دَبيقِيَّه
27. And it was unanimously decided on an outing
That would be ethical and proper
٢٧. وَاِتَّفَقَ الرَأيُ عَلىنُزهَةٍ
تَكونُ بِالآدابِ مَجلِيَّه
28. In a meadow whose bushes delighted
Like precious golden dinars
٢٨. في رَوضَةٍ ريضَت فَحَوذانُها
مِثلُ الدَنانيرِ العَزيزِيَّه
29. Swaying in the cool of vegetation whose
Hems are daisies
٢٩. تَهتَزُّ في بُردِ النَباتِ الَّذي
حاشيتاهُ قَلَمونِيَّه
30. And a brook whose scattered water
Over the edges of wool spills
٣٠. وَغَيضَةٍ فوطَةُ مَنثورِها
مِنها عَلى أَطرافِ صوفِيَّه
31. Shading it are the greenery of boughs
Fruited with carnelian clusters
٣١. تُحفِها خُضرُ الغُصونِ الَّتي
تُجلى بِأَثمارٍ عَقيقِيَّه
32. So traverse to my abode, your steps that
Have remained folded in your abode
٣٢. فَاِنشُر إِلى داري خَطاكَ الَّتي
تَظَلُّ في دارِكَ مَطوِيَّه
33. For Jezira, pretty one, is dressed
In robes from Tibrah cotton
٣٣. فَالجيزَةُ الحَسناءُ في حُلَّةٍ
مِن حُلُلِ الخَيرِيِّ تِبرِيَّه
34. Its pastures, from its blossoms, have traced
Carpets of Roman brocade
٣٤. مُروجُها مِن زَهرِها قَد حَكَت
بُسطاً مِنَ الديباجِ رومِيَّه
35. Between hills breathing to us the breeze from
A live coal brazier, one of its chimneys
٣٥. بَينَ رُبىً تَنفَحُنا النَدَّ مِن
مَجمَرَةٍ مِنها وَكِمِّيَّه
36. Whiffing in it for free moments that have
Come time to be pastured
٣٦. يَشتامُ فيها لَحَظاتٍ سُدىً
قَد آنَ أَن تُصبِحَ مَرعِيَّه
37. So hurry to it before the saffron of the sun
Shows it to us steeped
٣٧. فَاِسرِع إِلَيها قَبلَ تَبدو لَنا
بِزَعفَرانِ الشَمسِ مَطلِيَّه
38. For between us is what requires you to see
My needs fulfilled by you
٣٨. فَبَينَنا ما يَقتَضي أَن تُرى
حَوائِجي عِندَكَ مَقضِيَّه