
Branches of oleander in necklaces of pearls,

أجياد قضب في قلائد لؤلؤ

1. Branches of oleander in necklaces of pearls,
And the life of ostriches in plaits of myrtle,

١. أَجِيادُ قُضبٍ في قَلائِدَ لُؤلُؤٍ
وَحَياةُ دَوحٍ في عَصائِبِ عَسجَدِ

2. Eyes of musk in silver rings,
And cheeks of pearls in faces of chrysolite.

٢. وَعُيونِ تِبرٍ في مَحاجِرِ فَضَّةٍ
وَخُدودِ دُرٍّ في وُجوهِ زَبَرجَدِ

3. So take pleasure in the fairest cups they grasped
Of every intricate, embroidered design,

٣. فَاِنعَم بِأَحسَنِ ما اِكتَسَتهُ كُؤوسَها
مِن كُلِّ مُبيَضِّ الطِرازِ مُوَرَّدِ

4. Especially as the violets have described
The blueness of the eyes that took root in the wrists.

٤. لا سِيَّما أَنَّ البَنَفسَجَ قَد حَكى
زُرقَ العُيونِ تَمَكَّنَت مِن إِثمِدِ