
I have a friend, noble among companions,

لي صاحب حر من الأصحاب

1. I have a friend, noble among companions,
The embodiment of humility, dispelling vanity,

١. لي صاحِبٌ حُرٌّ مِنَ الأَصحابِ
جَذَعُ التَواضُعِ قارِحُ الإِعجابِ

2. He is captivated by kindness through his kindness,
Like the captivation of rain in pouring down,

٢. يَفتَنُّ في المَعروفِ مِن مَعروفِهِ
مِثلَ اِفتِنانِ الغَيثِ في التَسكابِ

3. So may he remain for me and upon me, he who came to me
Since he took up my cause.

٣. فَليَبقَ لي وَعَلَيَّ مِمَّن جاهُهُ
مُذ كانَ مُشتَمِلٌ عَلى أَسبابي