1. Rise and entertain her chastely, it is her way,
She gladdens whoever became downcast at dawn,
١. قُم فَاِجلُها عَذراءَ مِن شَأِنها
تَسُرُّ مَن أَصبَحَ مَحزونا
2. For the bow has now revealed from its bounties,
What used to be concealed,
٢. فَالقاشُ قَد أَظهَرَ كانونُ مِن
آلائِهِ ما كانَ مَكنونا
3. Of peas, the light of its branches,
As though it is a palm tree grieving for its tilting.
٣. مِن باقَلاءٍ نَورُ أَغصانِهِ
كَأَنَّهُ جَزعٌ عَلى مَينا