
I have a color that I brewed by hand

عندي لون طبخته بيدي

1. I have a color that I brewed by hand
Not too thin or too thickened

١. عِندِيَ لَونٌ طَبَختُهُ بِيَدي
غَيرُ رَقيقٍ وَغَيرُ مُنعَقِدِ

2. And we were ordered since morning for us
Something serious, round-bodied

٢. وَقَد أَمَرنا مِنَ الغَداةِ لَنا
بِشَيءٍ جَديٍ مُدَوَّرِ الجَسَدِ

3. To marble whose taste
Sweeter than a life without sorrow

٣. إِلى رِخامِيَّةٍ مَذاقَتُها
أَطيبُ مِن عيشَةٍ بِلا نَكَدِ

4. And a cup as if I had
Listened to a genie from it in the cold

٤. وَجامَ لَو زينَجٍ كَأَنِّيَ قَد
صُغتُ لِجينا مِنه عَلى بَرَدِ

5. And a flower in examined intelligence
And coffee in my confident purity

٥. وَزَهرَةٍ في ذَكاءٍ مُختَبَري
وَقَهوَةٍ في صَفاءٍ مُعتَقِدي

6. Your wines clarify their cups for you
Turbaned heads with foam

٦. تَجلو عَلَيكَ المَدامَ أَكؤُسُها
مُعَمَماتُ الرُؤوسِ بِالزَبَدِ

7. And a listener you can barely hear what
Comes in singing from anyone

٧. وَمُسمِعٍ ما تَكادُ تَسمَعُ ما
يَأتي بِهِ في الغِناءِ مِن أَحَدِ

8. If we gathered near it our souls would be secured
From the harm of frowning

٨. إِذا اِجتَمَعنا بِقُربِهِ أَمِنَت
نُفوسُنا مِن أَذِيَّةِ الكَمَدِ

9. So be active until you are with a brother
Immortalized, his singing lives forever

٩. فَاِنشَط إِلى أَن تَكونَ عِندَ أَخٍ
مُخَلَّدُ الشَدوِ مِنهُ في الخَلدِ

10. He rises over everyone who blames him
I'm more merciful than a father to his son

١٠. يَغدو عَلى كُلِّ مَن يَلُمُّ بِهِ
أُشفِقُ مِن والِدٍ عَلى وَلَدِ