1. A blessing it brought that amazed us
Not a drop of its water spilled or got wasted
١. وَبركَةً قَد أَفادَنا عَجَباً
ما سالَ من مائِها وَما اِنسَكَبا
2. It made the marble gleam as though
A sky filled with clouds it did show
٢. يُجلى بِأَمواهِها الرُخامُ كَما
تُجلى سَماءٌ قَد اِكتَسَت سُحُبا
3. Till beads did around it encircle
It made you see stars that did sparkle
٣. حَتّى إِذا ما الحَبابُ حَفَّ بِها
أَرَتكَ مِنها كَواكِباً شُهُبا
4. It laughed through its basin when dancing around
Imagine its fountain when playing with sound
٤. تَضحَكُ مِن بَطِّها إِذا رَقَصَت
فَكَيفَ مِن رايِها إِذا لَعِبا
5. At times it would frolic down terraces slid
When breeze lightly sways its sides
٥. وَرُبَّما تَغتَدي مُدَرَّجَةَ
إِن هَزَّ أَعطافَها نَسيمُ صَبا
6. The beauty of waves when it starts rippling
It stirs up our souls making them tingling
٦. يا حُسنَ أَمواجِها إِذا اِضَطَرَبَت
فَأَحدَثَت في نُفوسِنا طَرَبا
7. The charm of dawn's sun does mold
Rays of gold on its rod
٧. وَحُسنَ شَمسِ الضُحى تَصوغُ عَلى
قَضيبِها مِن شُعاعِها ذَهَبا
8. Each time it just quivers roses reach out
Still glowing embers flying about
٨. يُدرِكُها الوَردُ كُلَّما اِرتَعَدَت
مِنهُ بِجَمرٍ يَظَلُّ مُلتَهِبا
9. Around a fountain finely wrought
Its watery arch itself has brought
٩. مِن حَولِ فَوّارَةٍ مُرَكَّبَةٍ
قَدِ اِنحَنى ظَهرُ مائِها تَعَبا