1. Behold her coming, with a fragrance like ambergris
To a mellow tambour's tune and flowery cadence.
١. أَلا هاتِها راحاً لَها ريحُ عَنبَرِ
عَلى حِسِّ طَنبورٍ وَإيقاعِ مَزهَرِ
2. For the fair state a necklace is set with gems
By the skilled hand of Husayn son of Jawhar.
٢. فَلِلدَولَةِ الحَسناءِ جيدٌ مُقَلَّدٌ
بِجَوهَرِ تَدبيرِ الحُسَينِ بنِ جَوهَرِ
3. A brother of lofty aspiration, when he urged her on
To attain the heights, she did not stumble.
٣. أَخو هِمَمٍ غُرٍّ إِذا هُوَ حَثَّها
لِتَلحَقَ بِالعَلياءِ لَم تَتَعَثَّرِ
4. When the leader of leaders puts his mind to work
He sees himself mid glory and pride.
٤. إِذا قائِدُ القَوّادِ أَعمَلَ رَأيَهُ
رَأى نَفسَهُ ما بَينَ مَجدٍ وَمَفخَرِ