
When blessings visit me one day

إذا ما زارني بركات يوما

1. When blessings visit me one day
That is the most blessed day for me

١. إِذا ما زارَني بَرَكاتُ يَوماً
فَذَلِكَ أَبرَكَ الأَيّامِ عِندي

2. A sprig whose saliva is my perfume if I
Get hold of it, and his cheek is my rose

٢. رَشَأٌ مِن ريقِهِ راحي إِذا ما
ظَفَرتُ بِهِ وَمِن خَدَّيهِ وَردي

3. He has a temple like reconciliation after estrangement
On a cheek like union after separation

٣. لَهُ صُدغٌ كَصَدٍّ بَعدَ وَصلِ
عَلى خَدٍّ كَوَصلٍ بَعدَ صَدِّ

4. He wanders on the branches when he bends
With the softness of sleeves and the beauty of the waist

٤. يَتيهُ عَلى الغُصونِ إِذا تَثَنّى
بِلينِ مَعاطِفٍ وَبِحُسنِ قَدِّ

5. If the love of a young man is for an unlucky person
Then my love for him is only for my luck

٥. إِذا ما كانَ عِشقُ فَتىً لِنَحسٍ
فَما عِشقي لَهُ إِلّا لِسَعدي