
O source of generosity

يا موردا من جود

1. O source of generosity
Overflowing amidst the crowds

١. يا مَورِداً مِن جودِ
يَفيضُ بَينَ الوُفودِ

2. And from the throats of wishes
With his kindness in covenants

٢. وَمِن نُحورُ الأَماني
مِن بِرِّهِ في عُقودِ

3. And he who has resolves
That melt the steel's edge

٣. وَمَن لَهُ عَزَماتٌ
تَفَلُّ حَدَّ الحَديدِ

4. And insight which is a dawn
In the dark complex matters

٤. وَفَطنَةٌ هِيَ صُبحٌ
في المُشكِلاتِ السودِ

5. I did not come seeking a dowry
For the radiant cheeks

٥. ما جِئتُ أَطلُبُ مَهراً
لِلمُشرِقاتِ الخُدودِ

6. Brides that have no
Father besides my efforts

٦. عَرائِسٌ ما لَها مِن
أَبٍ سِوى مَجهودي

7. And I did not spread what I
Wove with my chilledness

٧. وَلا نَشَرتُ الَّذي قَد
نَسَجتُهُ مِن بُرودي

8. So I may sell some of it
With a new stream

٨. كَيما أَبيعَ جيداً
مِنهُ بِرِفدٍ جَديدِ

9. But I came so
I may congratulate a far feast

٩. لَكِنَّني جِئتُ حَتّى
هَنَّأتُ عيداً بِعيدِ