1. Rise, and on the day of sacrifice, slaughter for water,
And offer no morning draught but Sohoba's water.
١. قُم فَاِنحَرِ الراحِ يَومَ النَحرِ بِالماءِ
وَلا تُضَحِّ ضُحىً إِلّا بِصَهباءِ
2. Overtake the pilgrims of sorrow before their moaning
To Mina, jostling with every dark and light-haired maid.
٢. أَدرِك حَجيجَ النَدامى قَبلَ نَقرِهِمُ
إِلى مِنى قَصفِهِم مَع كُلِّ هَيفاءِ
3. Make haste to holy Mecca at daybreak,
Then circumambulate the niche and far idol.
٣. وَعُج عَلى مَكَّةَ الروحاءَ مُبتَكِراً
فَطُف بِها حَولَ رُكنِ العودِ وَالنّائي