1. We have eggs from the daughters of water that are more delicious than
The demise of an enemy or the rescue of a friend
١. لَنا مِن بَناتِ الماءِ بيضٌ أَلَذُّ مِن
هلاكِ عَدُوٍّ أَو نَجاةِ صَديقِ
2. When they are soft in silver pots
The pans adorn them in garments of carnelian
٢. إِذا هِيَ رَقَّت في غَلائِلَ فَضَّةٍ
جَلَتها المَقالي في ثِيابِ عَقيقِ
3. And an omelette that was cooked so its edges
Are like the kohl of a bottle tainted with indigo
٣. وَبُلطِيَّةً قَد سُكبِجَت فَإِهابُها
كَحُلَّةِ وَشيٍ ضَمَّخَت بِخَلوقِ
4. And a pot running with the wind of its bubbles
Like a necklace of pearls in a shirt of chrysolite
٤. وَساقِيَةٍ تَسعى بِراحِ حَبابِها
كَطَوقِ أَقاحٍ في قَميصِ شَقيقِ
5. And my hair is disheveled so fulfill the right of its disarray
For in fulfilling its right you fulfill my own
٥. وَشَعري رَسولي فَاِقضِ حَقَّ غِنائِهِ
فَإِنَّكَ تَقضي حَقَّهُ وَحُقوقي