1. Let us get up and have coffee, its fragrance
Leads the soul to pleasures
١. قُم نَصطَبِح قَهوَةً رَوائِحُها
تُفضي إِلى الروحِ بِالمَسَرّاتِ
2. With youths in the prime of their nature
Whatever flower of maidens you desire
٢. مَع فِتيَةٍ في رُبى خَلائِقِهِم
ما شِئتَ مِن زَهرَةِ الفُتُوّاتِ
3. For the cream of life is only won
By one who endures life's hardships
٣. فَزُبدَةَ العَيشِ لا يَفوزُ بِها
سِوى الَّذي يَمخُضُ الخَلاعاتِ