
After you left, a quarter of worry settled in me, O my tranquility,

سكنت بعدك ربع الهم يا سكني

1. After you left, a quarter of worry settled in me, O my tranquility,
And whoever possessed me without a price, I was a slave without worth,

١. سَكَنتُ بَعدَكَ رَبعَ الهَمِّ يا سَكَني
وَمَن تَمَلَّكَني عَبداً بِلا ثَمَنِ

2. When the slanderers schemed to lead me to the paths of betrayal, while I did not betray,
Conceal the coarseness of the face of stinginess from you, for my longing for your good kindness has been prolonged,

٢. لَمّا حَدا بِكَ إِفكُ الكاشِحينَ إِلى
سُبلِ الخِيانَةِ لي إِذ كُنتُ لَم أَخُنِ

3. Do not plant a palm tree from your bad assumption of me,
For how many palms produced fruit from the palm tree of assumptions.

٣. فَاِستُر سَماجَةَ وَجهِ البُخلِ مِنكَ فَقَد
طالَ اِشتِياقي إِلى إِحسانِكَ الحَسَنِ

٤. لا تَغتَرِس دَوحَةً مِن سوءِ ظَنِّكَ بي
فَكَم قِلىً أَثمَرَتهُ دَوحَةُ الظِنَنِ