
What solace have I, no solace relieves me, though

ما أنس لا أنس غياثا وقد

1. What solace have I, no solace relieves me, though
One day I recited my choicest poetry,

١. ما أَنسَ لا أَنسَ غَياثاً وَقَد
أَنشَدتُ يَوماً شِعرِيَ المُنتَخَب

2. And he said: 'This youth has not fallen short,'
But, 'How has this letter assumed an oblique case ending?'

٢. فَقالَ ما قَصَّرَ هَذا الفَتى
لَكِنَّ هَذا الحَرفَ كَيفَ اِنتَصَب

3. So he who sat behind him slapped him,
And said: 'This is no fit answer.'

٣. فَصَكَّهُ مَن كانَ مِن خَلفِهِ
فَقالَ ما هَذا جَوابٌ يَجِب

4. He replied: 'That man is accustomed
To make the Copts answer the Arabs thus.'

٤. فَقالَ هَذاكَ لَهُ هَكَذا
يَكونُ لِلقِبطِ جَوابُ العَرَب

5. Do you know the oblique case ending without him
From whom kinship cannot draw you nigh?

٥. أَأَنتَ تَدري النَصبَ مِن غَيرِهِ
مِن دونِ ذا تَقرُبُ مِنكَ القَرَب