1. Ahmad is still praised among people
For his generosity has adorned me
١. لا زالَ أَحمَدُ في الوَرى مَحمودا
فَلَقَد كَساني جودُهُ المَوجودا
2. A sincere friend whose essence I reviewed
I saw necklaces and bracelets from him
٢. خِلٌّ إِذا اِستَعرَضتُ جَوهَرَ خَطِّهِ
أَبصَرتُ مِنهُ قَلائِداً وَعُقودا
3. His companions, had they lived, would be :
chains to his friendship, ever bound
٣. لا ماتُهُ لَو مِلنَ كُنَّ سَوالِفاً
أَلِفاتِهِ لَو مِسنَ كُنَّ قُدودا
4. His papers reveal themselves in his handwriting
I mistook them for rolling dunes
٤. تُجلى عَلَيكَ رِقاعُهُ بِحُروفِهِ
فَتَخالُهُنَّ عَوالِياً وَخُدودا
5. As for poetry, if revealed in his lines
One would imagine it a well-tended garden
٥. أَما الرِياضُ فَلَو بَدَت لِسُطورِهِ
لَتَوَهَّمَتها رَوضَها المَنضودا
6. If not for Abu Al Abbaas permitting his talent
I would not have clothed my poetry in anything but coldness
٦. لَولا أَبو العَبّاسِ يُرخَصُ وَشَيُهُ
لَم أَكسُ شِعري مِن سِواهُ بُرُدوا
7. Unique in literature since time began
Guiding to the ears from him something unmatched
٧. مُتَفَرِّدٌ مُذ كانَ بِالأَدَبِ الَّذي
يُهدي إِلى الأَسماعِ مِنهُ فَريدا
8. Refined, with the crown of his pride
Ever affixed above his forehead
٨. وَمُهَذَّبٌ ما زالَ تاجُ فِخارُهُ
مُذ صيغَ فَوقَ جَبينِهِ مَعقودا
9. Knowledge decays, so whatever he gained of its luster
He returned anew, vigorously replenished
٩. تَبلى العُلومُ فَما اِكتَسى مِن بَزِّها
عادَ الَّذي قَد رَثَّ مِنهُ جَديدا
10. The banner of his lofty knowledge still billowing
Forever vigorously waving above him
١٠. لا زالَ مَنشورُ العَلا مشن طَيِّهِ
أَبَداً عَلَيهِ مُطَنَّباً مَمدودا