
You belittled what was composed in me

تهاونت مني بالذي فيك نظما

1. You belittled what was composed in me
And did not wear the robe that came as a lesson

١. تَهاوَنتَ مِنّي بِالَّذي فيكَ نُظِّما
وَلَم تَلبَسِ الوَشي الَّذي جاءَ مُعلَما

2. It is not for any recession that almost bought its newness
Upon you, but my understanding of you had a season

٢. وَما لِكَسادٍ كادَ يُشرى جَديدُهُ
عَلَيكَ وَلَكِن خِلتُ فَهمَكَ مَوسِما

3. I made you taste honey from the beehive of my thoughts
So I imagined that I made you taste bitter aloe

٣. أَذَقتُكَ شَهداً مِن خَلِيَّةِ خاطِري
فَأَوهَمتَني أَنّي أَذَقتُكَ عَلقَما

4. So you are not to blame for what
Wanted to enjoy the favours and have pleasure

٤. فَما لَكَ الذَنبُ لِلَّذي
أَرادَ مِنَ الأَنعامِ أَن يَتَنَعَّما