1. Drink from the embers, beneath which a flame lies,
As if it were molten gold underneath.
١. اِشرَب عَلى فَحمٍ مَن تَحتهِ لَهَبٌ
كَأَنَّهُ سَبَجٌ مِن تَحتِهِ ذَهَبُ
2. The boy brought it while the cold pinched us.
At dawn, we were almost set alight by it.
٢. جاءَ الغُلامُ بِهِ وَالقُرُّ يَنقُضُنا
عِندَ الصَباحِ فَكِدنا مِنهُ نَلتَهِبُ
3. Beforehand, his smell was gentle, his cheek was seen
Rosy and plump when he was veiled.
٣. مِن قَبلُ يُضحي خَلوقاً مِسكُهُ وَيُرى
شَقيقُهُ يا سَميناً حينَ يَنتَقِبُ