
His bounteous ships do freely sail,

ركائب آلائه تسرح

1. His bounteous ships do freely sail,
His lofty thoughts do proudly soar.

١. رَكائِبُ آلائِهِ تَسرَحُ
وَحَلبَةُ آرائِهِ تَمرَحُ

2. A youth whose generous deeds avail,
To light with hope our longing for

٢. فَتىً زَندُ مَعروفِ مَعروفِهِ
لِطالِبِ نارِ الغِنى يَقدَحُ

3. The wealth we crave. His open door
Welcomes our dreams. When fate assails

٣. لَهُ نائِلٌ لَم يَزَل بابُهُ
لِطارِقِ آمالِنا يَفتَحُ

4. A man, and ruins what he planned,
His tactful wit makes all well again.

٤. إِذا المَرءُ فاسِدَهُ دَهرُهُ
فَجَدواهُ بَينَهُما يُصلِحُ