1. My gazelle, if I wander with him through meadows
Yet he has no eyes but for me, no other does he gaze on
١. وَظَبيٍ إِن أَطَلتُ بِهِ حَوازي
فَلَيسَ بِغَيرِ عَينَيهِ مَجازي
2. The dew on his youth is the meadows’ fringe
And the fabric of his beauty, embroidery of gold thread
٢. رِداءُ شَبابِهِ رَطبُ الحَواشي
وَثَوبُ جَمالِهِ نَقشُ الطِرازِ
3. He flees from reproach when we meet
As the coward flees from the spears
٣. يَفِرُّ مِنَ العِتابِ إِذا التَقَينا
كَما فَرَّ الجَبانُ مِن البِرازِ