
O you who has no equal in generosity,

أيا من ما له في الجود ثان

1. O you who has no equal in generosity,
Whose kindness flows unrestrained,

١. أَيا مَن ما لَهُ في الجودِ ثانِ
وَمَن مَعروفُهُ سَلِسُ العِنانِ

2. It brings me joy that you are here with me today,
For here is a singer with a sweet voice,

٢. سُروري أَن تَكونَ اليَومَ عِندي
فَعِندي مثسمِعٌ حُلوُ الأَغاني

3. And a companion who trades verses with me,
Challenging the poetry of Ibn Hani.

٣. وَنَدمانٌ يُبادِهُني بِشِعرٍ
يَنيهُ بِهِ عَرى شِعرِ اِبنِ هاني

4. So honor me with your company, for this is a day
Of beautiful countenance, from the progeny of time.

٤. فَجَمِّلني بِنَفسِكَ فَهوَ يَومٌ
جَميلُ الوَجهِ مِن نَسلِ الزَمانِ

5. The meadow is adorned with flowers,
As poems are adorned with meanings.

٥. فَقُضبُ الرَوضِ بِالأَزهارِ تُجلى
كَما تُجلى القَصائِدُ بِالمَعاني