
Do not ask Jesus for he will not

لا تسألن عيسى فما

1. Do not ask Jesus for he will not
Grant the asker's request

١. لا تَسأَلَن عيسى فَما
يَحظى لَدَيهِ السائِلُ

2. Leave him be, for he
Has long been inept and leaning

٢. وَخَلِّهِ فَإِنَّهُ
مذ كانَ خُصٌّ مائِلُ

3. I wept when my beloved visited me veiled
On a night with grey hair aflame

٣. بَكَيتُ إِذا زارَ مَن أَهواهُ مُكتَتَما
في لَيلَةٍ رَأسُها بِالشَيبِ مُشتَعِلُ

4. With a palace on her nape, a robe on her shoulder
Restless on her chest, hasty in her gait

٤. في قَدِّها قِصَرٌ في كَشحِها هَضَمٌ
في عِطفِها قَلَقٌ في مَشيِها عَجَلُ

5. Her quarters were too cramped for me that I could not
Lie in her courtyards kissed

٥. ضاقَت عَلَيَّ نواحيها فَما قَدَرَت
عَلَى الإِناخَةِ في ساحاتِها القُبَلُ

6. As though she were a newborn snatched by fate
Before her birth was done

٦. كَأَنَّها وَلَدٌ ما تَمَّ مَولِدُهُ
حَتّى تَخَطَّفَهُ مِن وَقتِهِ الأَجَلُ