
A palm tree with a crown of mention that did not cease

وخل له تاج من الذكر لم تزل

1. A palm tree with a crown of mention that did not cease
Its pillars embellished with praises

١. وَخَلٍّ لَهُ تاجٌ مِنَ الذِكرِ لَم تَزَل
مُرَصَّعَةً أَركانُهُ بِالمَحامِدِ

2. A literary man, when his meanings pour forth or
The branches of rhyme bloom, the gardens of poems

٢. أَديبٌ إِذا اِنهَلَّت مَعانيهِ أَو رَقَّت
غُصونُ القَوافي رِياضُ القَصائِدِ

3. He titles the books of his brother with fairness
And seals with fulfillment the clay of promises

٣. يُعَنوِنُ بِالإِنصافِ كُتبَ إِخائِهِ
وَيَختِمُ بِالإِنجازِ طينَ المَواعِدِ