1. I saw one whose memory escapes me
Weeping when he saw his beard
١. رَأَيتُ مَن لَستُ لَهُ ذاكِراً
إِذا رَأى لِحيَتَهُ يَبكي
2. So I said, why not tease him a little
And let action prevail over restraint
٢. فَقُلتُ لِمْ لا أَتَلَهّى بِه
وَأَنصُرُ الفِعلَ عَلى التُركِ
3. I kept stroking his whiskers
Until his face opened into a smile
٣. فَلَم أَزَل أَمسَحُ أَعطافَهُ
حَتّى إِذا اِستَفتَحَ في الضحِكِ
4. I said, what value does grey hair have
That wavers between anxiety and gloom
٤. قُلتُ لَهُ ما قيمَةُ الشَيبِ أَن
يَدورَ بَينَ الهَمِّ وَالضَنكِ
5. I will weave a cover for him
For truth may be veiled by doubt
٥. أَنسُج لَهُ ما يَتَغَطّى بِهِ
فَقَد يُغَطّي الحَقُّ بِالشَكِّ
6. He said, describe what I see as a pearl
That tells of the sap of the moist hyssop
٦. فَقالَ صِف لي ما أَرى دُرَّهُ
لِلسَبَجِ الرَطبِ بِهِ يَحكي
7. I said, listen to me, a truthful one
Free from falsehood's vileness
٧. فَقُلتُ إِنّي واصِفٌ فَاِستَمِع
مِن صادِقٍ عارٍ مِنَ الإِفكِ
8. Take rancor and anger, crush them
Knead them with Meccan loaf
٨. خُذِ القِلى وَالغَيظَ فَاِسحَقهُما
وَاِعجِنهُما بِالعَضرِطِ المَكّي
9. Dye your hair with it, my elder
From temple to jawbone
٩. وَاِخضِب بِهِ شَعرَكَ يا شَيخَنا
مِنَ العِذارَينِ إِلى الفَكِّ
10. This prescription is written
By Sherhan, the Turkish commander
١٠. وَهَذِهِ النُسخَةُ مَكتوبَةً
عَن شَرَحانَ القائِدِ التُركي