
The cup, bringing solace from worries and sorrows,

راح تريح من الأوصاب والكرب

1. The cup, bringing solace from worries and sorrows,
Awakening the soul of the desert and calling it to joy,

١. راحٌ تُريحُ مِنَ الأَوصابِ وَالكُرَبِ
روحَ الكَثيبِ وَتَدعوهُ إِلى الطَرَبِ

2. Waves within it pure wine, you’d think it was made
Not of a cup, but of lights and flames,

٢. تَلوحُ في كَأسِها صِرفاً فَتَحسَبُها
بِغَيرِ كَأسٍ مِنَ الأَنوارِ وَاللَهَبِ

3. Until when mixed for its drinker, it shines,
As though it was pressed from the cheek of a melancholy lover.

٣. حَتّى إِذا مُزِجَت لاحَت لِشارِبِها
كَأَنَّها عُصِرَت مِن خَدِّ مُكتَئِبِ

4. So drink a potion as though the mixing has forged for it
A necklace of pearls in a garment of gold.

٤. فَاِشرَب عُقارا كَأَنَّ المَزجَ صاغَ لَها
طَوقاً مِنَ الدُرِّ في ثَوبٍ مِنَ الذَهَبِ