1. O son of the miserly woman, leave off mentioning me
It is you that my poetry reaches
١. يَاِبنَ البَخيلَةِ خَلِّ عَن ذِكرى
إِيّاكَ يَبلُغُ ما جَرى شِعري
2. So you besmirch your honor with every rhyme
From me with what my mind composes
٢. فَتَصُكُّ عِرضَكَ كُلُّ قافِيَةٍ
مِنّي بِما يَحذو لَها فِكري
3. It is you who aspires to resist me
Yet the raven cannot be compared to the falcon
٣. إِيّاكَ تَطمَعُ في مُقاوَمَتي
فَالزاغُ لَيسَ يُقاسُ بِالصَقرِ