1. I wrote a note to some dear friends
But not a letter reached me in return
١. كَتَبتُ إِلى بَعضِ الأَخلاءِ رُقعَةً
فَلا وَأَبي ما نالَ حَرفاً لَها حَرفُ
2. I told them I had bought a horse
That could barely stand when saddled
٢. أُعَرِّفُهُ أَنّي اِشتَرَيتُ مُهَفهَفاً
يَكادُ إِذا ما قامَ يَقعُدُهُ الرِدفُ
3. Whenever he faced the meadow
He only glanced at a flower or two
٣. إِذا وَجَّهَهُ لَم يضندَ مِن زَهَراتِهِ
سِوى طُرفَةً لَم يَعتَرِض غَيرَها طَرفُ
4. And I am in need of shoulders I can lean on
Whose kindness we can forever sip
٤. وَإِنّي لَمُحتاجٌ إِلى العاتِقِ الَّتي
لَنا عِندَها مِن ريقِها أَبدا رَشفُ
5. So gift me with what releases my pain
When it's in cups their brims overflow
٥. فَأَتحَفَني مِمّا أُطَلِّقُ لَوعَتي
إِذا صارَ في قُمصِ الكُؤوسِ لَها زَفُّ
6. With winds that have an ambergris scent
And a beautiful color and elegant shape
٦. بِراحٍ لَها في ريحِها عَنبَرِيَّةٌ
وَفي لَونِها حُسنٌ وَفي ظُرفِها ظُرفُ
7. When the wind stops blowing it shows its dye
Making you imagine hands caressing it
٧. إِذا كَفَّ عَنها الراحُ أَبدَت خِضابَها
تَخَيَّلُها مِمَّن يَطوفُ بِها الكَفُّ
8. Aged and I overpaid its worth
And was fair in what came between halves
٨. مُعَتَّقَةٌ وَفَّيتُها فَوقَ حَقِّها
وَأَنصَفتُها فيما تَوَسَّطَهُ النِصفُ
9. It came to give cheer to the cheerless
And the sorrowful found joy in its turn
٩. فَجاءَت لِمَعزولِ السُرورِ وِلايَةً
وَصارَ لِوالي الهَمِّ مِن صَرفِها صِرفُ
10. A sacrifice for God's servants my sight and hearing
For without God's servants customs are not known
١٠. فِدىً لِعَبيدَ اللَهِ سَمعي وَناظِري
فَلَولا عَبيدُ اللَهِ ما عُرِفَ العُرفُ
11. A lad whose gifts have bright faces
And whose manners are not harsh or rude
١١. فَتى لا عَطاياهُ قِراحٌ وُجوهُها
وَلا خُلقُهُ فَظٌّ وَلا طَبَعَهُ جِلفُ
12. When he aims arrows no betrayal dishevels him
And when he speaks no breach follows his oath
١٢. إِذا رَمَّ وُدّاً لَم تُشَعِّثُهُ غَدرَةٌ
وَإِن قالَ قَولاً لَم يَكُن خَلفَهُ خُلفُ
13. He remains in the meadow of safety around him
Never plucking the flowers of peace
١٣. فَلا زالَ في رَوضِ السَلامَةِ حَولَهُ
مِنَ الأَمنِ زَهرٌ ما لَهُ أَبَداً قَطفُ