
O You whom I cling to with the rope of His love,

يا من علقت بحبل حبه

1. O You whom I cling to with the rope of His love,
And who has removed from me the shade of His nearness,

١. يا مَن عَلِقتُ بِحَبلِ حُبِّه
وَأَماطَ عَنّي ظِلَّ قُربِه

2. Why do You not show tenderness to a lover
Stumbling in the train of his sorrows?

٢. لِمَ لا تَرِقُّ لِعاشِقٍ
مُتَعَثِّرٍ بِذُيولِ كَربِه

3. Do not let the flowers of youthfulness blossom
With separation in the barren soil of his heart,

٣. لا تُنبِتَن زَهرَ الصَبا
بَةِ بِالقَلى في أَرضِ قَلبِه

4. And refrain from punishment, for the young man
Is surely bound to be rewarded for his sin.

٤. وَخَفِ العُقوبَةِ فَالفَتى
لا بُدَّ أَن يُجزى بِذَنبِهِ