1. We have a brother, best without evil,
More generous than rain or sea.
١. لَنا أَخٌ خَيرُ بِلا شَرٍّ
أَسمَحُ مِن غَيثٍ وَمِن بَحرِ
2. His brotherhood amidst his manners
Is like a garden amidst water and flowers.
٢. إِخاؤُهُ ما بَينَ أَخلاقِهِ
كَالرَوضِ بَينَ الماءِ وَالزَهرِ
3. Roughest is what I feel of his reproach,
Most gentle is what I feel of his excuse.
٣. أَخشَنُ ما أَلمَسُ مِن عَتبِهِ
أَرطَبُ ما يُلمَسُ مِن عُذري
4. When I visit at his door,
I see it as an honor from one most dear.
٤. إِذا أَتى قَصدي إِلى بابِهِ
أَراهُ إِكراماً مِنَ السِرِّ
5. So he joins my crown through his river,
And I find his gift in my necklace of gratitude.
٥. فَمَفرِقي في التاجِ مِن رِفدِهِ
وَجيدُهُ في العِقدِ مِن شُكري
6. If not for my attachment to the rope of his love,
My pride never could have been perfected.
٦. لَولا اِعتِلاقي بِعُرى وُدِّهِ
ما تَمَّ لي ما تَمَّ مِن فَخري