1. O brother, let not the sweetness of brotherhood
Pass with neither joy nor estrangement from you.
١. يا أَخاً لا يُمِرُّ حُلوَ الإِخاءِ
بِهِجاءٍ مِنهُ وَلا إِقصاءِ
2. By the one who lived gloriously only to decay,
And awoke vigorous and bold,
٢. وَالَّذي راحَ ذا سَناً وَثَناءِ
وَغَدا ذا فُتُوَّةٍ وَفَتاءِ
3. Who built his glory with great deeds
Among the nobles and the lofty ones,
٣. وَالَّذي شادَ مَجدَهُ بِالمَساعي
في عِراصِ الفَخارِ وَالعَلياءِ
4. I am needful of wine though I am not
Counted among the impoverished,
٤. بِيَ فَقرٌ إِلى المُدامِ وَإِن لَم
أَكُ مِمَّن يُعَدُّ في الفُقَراءِ
5. Guard for me today the object of my quest, or else
I will not guard from others my words of praise.
٥. فَصُنِ اليَومَ وَجهَ قَصدي وَإِلّا
لَم أَصُن عَن سِواكَ وَجهُ ثَنائي
6. With conviviality, when the garden of life flourishes,
The flower of bliss blooms in it.
٦. بِسَلافٍ إِذا ذَوى رَوضُ عَيشٍ
أَنبَتَت فيهِ زَهرَةَ السَرّاءِ
7. Whenever she clapped, she would tell the repentant
Of gold beneath white silver.
٧. كُلَّما صُفِّقَت حَكَت لِلنَدامى
ذَهَباً تَحتَ فَضَّةٍ بَيضاءِ
8. Especially as the sky clears upon us
Its darkness in shadows,
٨. سَيَما وَالسَماءُ تَجلو عَلَينا
نَفسَها في غِلالَةٍ دَكناءِ
9. And the pastures in the meadows appear
In the green and the yellow,
٩. وَالرُبى في مَعارِقِ النَبتِ تَبدو
في خَلوقِيَّةٍ وَفي صَفراءِ
10. So favor me with what you can spare,
For except for you my hopes are naught.
١٠. فَتَفَضَّل بِما تَيَسَّرَ مِنها
فَوَنُعماكَ ما عَداكَ رَجائي