
My mind was captivated by the crescent moon of the Hilal tribe

سبى عقلي هلال بني هلال

1. My mind was captivated by the crescent moon of the Hilal tribe
With glances like the glances of a gazelle

١. سَبى عَقلي هِلالُ بَني هِلالٍ
بِأَلحاظٍ كَأَلحاظِ الغَزالِ

2. Cheerfulness above his brow, coquetry
Like the night of separation at the dawn of union

٢. غَريرٌ فَوقَ عارِضِهِ عِذارٌ
كَليلِ الهَجرِ في صُبحِ الوِصالِ

3. When he revealed the conspiracy of flirtation
I confronted it with the aspects of endurance

٣. إِذا أَبدى مُؤامَرَةَ التَجَنّي
أَقَمتُ لَها وُجوهَ الإِحتِمالِ