1. O mouse, do not lend me an obligation,
For I am not ignorant of your folly.
١. لا تَقرِضَن يا فارُ لي ذِمَّةً
فَلَستُ مِن جَهلِكَ في شِكِّ
2. Beware for yourself of a cat,
Whose claws are of polytheism.
٢. وَاِحذَر عَلى نَفسِكَ مِن قِطَّةٍ
أَظافيرٌ مِنَ الشِركِ
3. How often you have broken faith,
With treachery and belief in lies.
٣. كَم نَفرَةٍ كَسَرتَ فيها الوَفا
بِالغَدرِ وَالإيمانَ بِالإِفكِ
4. Do not take as cowardice my patience,
For how often it has caught in the trap of ridicule.
٤. لا تَستَطِب جُبنَ اِحتِمالي فَكَم
أَوقَعَ في مَصيَدَةِ الصَكِّ