
With eager ears our meetings are so sweet,

ومسمع تحلو اجتماعاتنا

1. With eager ears our meetings are so sweet,
Until tomorrow comes with cares replete;

١. وَمَسمَعٍ تَحلو اِجتِماعاتُنا
حَتّى إِذا وافى غَدَت مُرَّه

2. Then we wonder that we thought so much of it,
And hold its worth less than an onion's shoot;

٢. نَعجَبُ مِن كَثرَةِ إِعجابِهِ
وَقدرُهُ أَهوَنُ مِن بَعرَه

3. If from its irksomeness we try to flee,
It draws us back with thread and with a clew.

٣. إِذا هَرَبنا مِن مُقاساتِهِ
يَجيئُنا بِالخَيطِ وَالمَغرَه