
An old man hovering over the progeny of Ham

وشيخ يحوم على نسل حام

1. An old man hovering over the progeny of Ham
He loves the darkness for the sake of its darkness

١. وَشَيخٍ يَحومُ عَلى نَسلِ حامِ
يُحِبُّ الظَلامَ لِلَونِ الظَلامِ

2. When you meet him riding
He makes his mule leap through the crowds

٢. إِذا ما التَقيتَ بِهِ راكِباً
يُقَفِّزُ بَغلَتَهُ في الزِحامِ

3. You look at the most stupid in Iraq
And you see the most patched-up in the Levant

٣. تَأَمَّلتَ أَحمَقَ مَن بِالعِراقِ
وَأَبصَرتَ أَرقَعَ مَن بِالشَآمِ