1. A writer who thinks not
That gratitude for a favor is gain;
١. وَكاتِبٍ ما عِندَهُ أَنَّهُ
يَنفَعُهُ الشُكرُ عَلى النَقعِ
2. All he does seems a burden to him,
Save the hurt he can give, which is plain.
٢. جَميعُ ما يَفعَلُهُ كُلفَةٌ
إِلّا أَذاهُ فَهوَ بِالطَبعِ
3. Misers make greed their qibla and creed,
Reciting in it the chapter "Refrain".
٣. قَد نَصَبَ البُخلُ لَهُ قِبلَةً
يَقرأُ فيها سورَةَ المَنعِ
4. Whoever takes lodging with us in our abode
Might as well lodge in a barren terrain.
٤. مَن حَلَّ مِنّا بِفَناءٍ لَهُ
حَلَّ بِوادٍ غَيرَ ذي زَرعِ