
He has enabled procrastination in promising,

قد مكن المطل من الوعد

1. He has enabled procrastination in promising,
And empowered prevention over giving.

١. قَد مَكَّنَ المَطلَ مِنَ الوَعدِ
وَسَلَّطَ المَنعَ عَلى الرِفدِ

2. The ruler of Dimyat, whom all who
Deal with lose out in their aim.

٢. عامِلُ دِمياطِ الَّذي كُلُّ مَن
عامَلَهُ يَخسَرُ في القَصدِ

3. It is as though he swore an oath that
He would receive the beseecher with refusal.

٣. كَأَنَّهُ مُستَحلَفٌ أَنهُ
يَستَقبِلُ السائِلَ بِالرَدِّ