1. If love did not preserve the sanctity of my complaints
And did not take care in protecting me to preserve the sanctity of love
١. إِذا الحُبُّ لَم يَحفَظ لِشَكوايَ حُرمَةً
وَلَم يَرعَ في حِفظي لَهُ حُرمَةَ الحُبِّ
2. I spread my endurance then covered it with it
And I gave it safety from me against reproach
٢. نَشَرتُ اِحتِمالي ثُمَّ غَطَّيتُهُ بِهِ
وَأَعطَيتُهُ مِنّي أَماناً مِنَ العَتبِ