
The youth must with wisdom rein his joys

من الحزم ألا يرد الفتى

1. The youth must with wisdom rein his joys
And age with kindness should his pains disguise

١. مِنَ الحَزمِ أَلا يَرُدَّ الفَتى
عِنانِ الشَبابِ عَنِ الخِندريسِ

2. Wine-drinking loses honour when excess
Makes man forgetful of his nobleness

٢. وَأَن يُكرِمَ الشَيبَ إِن زارَهُ
وَيَستُرَ عَنهُ وُجوهَ الكُؤوسِ

٣. فَما خُلطَةُ اللَهوِ مَحمودَةٌ
إِذا اِختَلَطَ العاجُ بِالآبَنوسِ