
With cheeks like roses pink upon cream skin

زها بصدغ وخد

1. With cheeks like roses pink upon cream skin
And lips like cherries over petals soft

١. زَها بِصُدغٍ وَخَدِّ
كَخُرِّمٍ فَوقَ وَردِ

2. With brows like crescent moons that gently arc
And straight nose like a sword in sheath aloft

٢. وَطُرَّةٍ وَجَبينٍ
كَمِثلِ وَصلٍ وَصَدِّ

3. A gazelle whose glance both kills and vivifies
Whether close or distant, my heart is lost

٣. ظَبيٌ يُميتُ وَيُحيي
مِنهُ بِقُربٍ وَبُعدِ

4. For him my hair turned grey, my feelings tossed
Between jest and earnest, longing and pain crossed

٤. قَد شابَ رَأسي مِنهُ
ما بَينَ هَزلِ وَجدِ