
He turned away, placated, though afraid,

أغضى فآمن خائفا

1. He turned away, placated, though afraid,
Without him, affinity would surely fade.

١. أَغضى فَآمَنَ خائِفاً
لَولاهُ أَصبَحَ تالِفا

2. With pardon he bestowed, tranquility found me,
Plucking with hands that longed to be free.

٢. سَكَنٌ طَفِقتُ لِعَفوِهِ
بِيَدِ التَنَصُّلِ قاطِفا

3. On a night when destiny pulled its snare,
Casting misfortune that I must bear,

٣. في لَيلَةٍ نَشَرَ الزَما
نُ بِها عَلَيَّ رَفارِفا

4. If its hours were related in full,
They would be as legends told.

٤. لَو فُصِّلَت ساعاتُها
كادَت تَكونُ سَوالِفا