1. The son of Jurayj is moral rottenness,
His companions are depraved wild folk.
١. لِاِبنِ جُريجٍ خُلُقٍ مُرُّ
وَعِشرَةٌ مَسلَكُها وَعرُ
2. You see blood dripping from him, a gushing stream,
He has no restraint or command.
٢. فَدمٌ تَرى مِنهُ تَمَصبَطرِماً
وَما لَهُ نَهيٌ وَلا أَمرُ
3. If the desert reveals its face to him,
His face brings upon it only ruin.
٣. إِن بَدَتِ الصَحراءُ مِن وَجهِهِ
فاحَ لَها مِن وَجهِهِ قَبرُ