
O you whose saliva is wine

أيا من ريقه خمري

1. O you whose saliva is wine
And whose cheeks are rosy

١. أَيا مَن ريقُهُ خَمري
وَمَن وَجنَتُهُ زَهري

2. To what extent does reproach flow
That cannot be quenched by excuses

٢. إِلى كَم يَرِدُ العَتبُ
فَلا يَروى مِنَ العُذرِ

3. I think love has been completed
By the trickery of betrayal

٣. أَظُنُّ الوُدَّ قَد تَمَّت
عَلَيهِ حيلَةُ الغَدرِ

4. Otherwise why has intimacy
Become captive at separation's hands

٤. وَإِلّا لِم غَدا الوَصلُ
أَسيراً في يَدِ الهَجرِ