1. I give the asker his rightful due
And for his favor show gratitude
١. وَإِنّي لَأُعطي المستميحَ بِحَقِّهِ
وَأَرعى لَهُ إيثارهُ لي بِنفسِهِ
2. Leaving my kindness though he's viewed
In his plight's darkness, bleak and crude
٢. وَأَترُكُ جودي إِن رَأى لَيلَ حالِهِ
بَهيماً تَلافاهُ بِأَنوارِ شَمسِهِ
3. If from him comes suspicious thought
To me his friendship will be sought
٣. فَإِن جاءَ مِنهُ الظَنُّ مُستَوحِشاً سَعى
إِلَيهِ نَوالي كَي يَلَذُّ بِأُنسِهِ
4. Those seeking hopes will tell of me
As one who aids in difficulty
٤. فَسائِل بِيَ الآمالَ تُخبِرِكَ أَنَّني
فَتى إِن سَرى في سُؤدَدٍ فَبِحِسِّهِ
5. When gifts bear fruitless yield
Let none but planters harvest field
٥. إِذا ما العَطايا أَعوَزَت ثَمَراتُها
فَلا يَطَّلِبها الناسُ مِن غَيرِ غَرسِهِ