
Tell the prince you clothed me

قل للأمير كسوتني

1. Tell the prince you clothed me
In robes of wealth with your gifts

١. قُل لِلأَميرِ كَسَوتَني
حُلَلَ الغِنى بِمَواهِبِك

2. So I came to spread what was folded
Of the signs of your virtues

٢. فَأَتَيتُ أَنشُرُ ما اِنطَوى
مِن مُعلَماتِ مِناقِبِك

3. But I turned back when it was clear
You frowned and knitted your brow

٣. فَرَجَعتُ لَمّا بانَ لي
تَقطيبُ حاجِبِ حاجِبِك