1. With ingrained stars its saddles come alive,
Belts at its waists like banded stripes survive.
١. وَهيفٍ عَلَيها مُعلَماتُ القَراطِقِ
مَزينَةٍ أَوساطُها بِالمَناطِقِ
2. Whenever a group draws near your abode,
In gardens freed of garb they love to rove.
٢. إِذا حَضَرَت مِنها لَدَيكَ جَماعَةٌ
تَنَزَّهتَ مِن مَلبوسِها في حَدائِقِ
3. Of slender built, send but a glance their way,
And every racer shall in wonder stray.
٣. رِشاقٍ إِذا أَرسَلتَ طَرفَكَ نَحوَها
تَحَيَّرَ مِن أَجيادِها عَلى كُلِّ سابِقِ
4. With manes like grey amidst pure whiteness shown,
Dark sorrel bodies their fine coats enthrone.
٤. وَشُهبٍ كَمِثلِ الشَيبِ بيضٍ مُتونِها
تَحُفُّ بِها دَهمٌ كَسودِ المَفارِقِ
5. Sprung of a noble line, fleet of foot and fast,
Swifter than tears down a lover's cheek they passed.
٥. نَتاجٌ كَريمُ الأَصلِ أَسرَعُ خَطوَةً
عَلى الطِرسِ مِن دَمعٍ عَلى خَدٍّ عاشِقِ
6. Well-mannered, needing no one to give chase,
Wise, without prodding, winning every race.
٦. تَأَدُّبَهُ يُغنيهِ عَن كُلِّ رائِضٍ
وَفِطنَتُهُ تُغنيهِ عَن كُلِّ سائِقِ
7. They tire not, bolting, galloping apace,
When routes curve devious, still the same headlong race.
٧. مِنَ اللاءِ لا تَكبو لِسُرعَةِ جَريِها
إِذا هِيَ خَبَّت في فِجاجِ المَهارِقِ
8. Meeting them, cheeks redder than any belle,
An aged darling's blooming face as well.
٨. وَفيها إِذا ما اِستَقبَلَتها خُدودُها
أَشَدُّ اِحمِراراً مِن خُدودِ العَواتِقِ
9. Open their trot, it's like a budburst streaming,
Or sparks erupting, raging and gleaming.
٩. إِذا اِنفَتَحَت عَنها الدَواةُ رَأَيتَها
كَكانونِ نارٍ أَو كَرَوضِ شَقائِقِ