
You were generous when life was enjoyable,

جدت والعيش ما حل

1. You were generous when life was enjoyable,
Everything in it was fresh.

١. جُدتَ وَالعَيشُ ما حِلُ
كُلُّ ما فيهِ ذابِلُ

2. Then tomorrow came while being rich
The grass became faded.

٢. فَغَدا وَهوَ بِالغِنى
أَخضَرُ العُشبِ آهِلُ

3. You were generous with jewelry
And hopes were vain.

٣. وَتَفَضَّلتَ بِالحُلى
وَالأَماني عَواطِلُ

4. So I was certain that
There is no escape from death for the living.

٤. فَتَيَقَّنتُ أَنَّهُ
لَيسَ لِلحَيِّ قاتِلُ