
When the ships of desire set sail

ولما أقلعت سفن المطايا

1. When the ships of desire set sail
On the winds of passion into mirages of illusion,

١. وَلَمّا أَقلَعَت سُفُنُ المَطايا
بِريحِ الوَجدِ في لُجَجِ السَرابِ

2. My gaze followed after them until
They were wrecked among the waves of yearning.

٢. جَرى نَظَري وَراءَهُم إِلى أَن
تَكسَّرَ بَينَ أَمواجِ الهِضابِ

3. Then I rejoiced to cross a sea of my tears
Whose surging increased my bewilderment.

٣. فَرُحتُ أَخوضُ بِحراً مِن دُموعي
زِيادَتُهُ عَصَفَ اِنتِحابي