1. O you who is sailing the sea, which is filled
With waves of disobedience,
١. يا خائِضَ البَحرِ الذي قَد طَمَت
مِنَ المَعاصي فيهِ أَمواجُ
2. Marry righteousness, and leave everyone who
Has pairs of sins.
٢. تَزَوَّجِ التَقوى وَدَع كُلَّ مَن
لَهُ مِنَ الآثامِ أَزواجُ
3. For reason does not require angering He
Whom your needs depend on.
٣. فَالعَقلُ لا يوجِبُ إِسخاطَ مَن
إِلَيهِ حاجاتِكَ تَحتاجُ