
How many a young man's deeds reveal

كم من فتى تسفر أفعاله

1. How many a young man's deeds reveal
Radiant, shining virtues

١. كَم مِن فَتىً تُسفِرُ أَفعالُهُ
عَن غُرَرٍ مُشرِقَةٍ ناضِرَه

2. If a person intends good
His intention being pure

٢. إِن يُحسِنِ المَرءُ لَهُ نِيَّةً
كانَ الَّذي نِيَّتُهُ طاهِرَه

3. Devotedly facing a direction
That if it spoke would thank him

٣. مُنعَكِفَ الوَجهِ عَلى قِبلَةٍ
لَو نَطَقَت كانَت لَهُ شاكِرَه

4. If a person's soul recoils from piety
His own soul will not recoil from him

٤. إِن نَفَرَت نَفسُ اِمرِئٍ مِن تُقىً
لَم تَكُ مِنهُ نَفسُهُ نافِرَه

5. He did not make sin a trade
So his capital was not lost

٥. لَم يَجعَلِ الغَيَّ لَهُ مَتجَراً
فَلَم تَكُن كَرَّتُهُ خاسِرَه

6. A young man is none other than one
Who prefers the hereafter over worldly life

٦. لَيسَ الفَتى غَيرَ مَن
لَم يُؤثِرِ الدُنيا عَلى الآخِرَه