1. Captive of a binding from an estranged beloved
Saw patience grant him no merit over his reins
١. أَسيرُ لِزامٍ مِن غَريمٍ غَرامُهُ
رَأى الصَبرَ لا يُعطيهِ فَضلَ زِمامِهِ
2. So he took to whispering his worries in the darkening twilight
When night unfurls its swaths of darkness
٢. فَصارَ يُناجي الهَمَّ في ساحَةِ الدُجى
إِذا اللَيلُ أَرخى رَفرَفاً مِن ظِلامِهِ
3. His familiarity roused war with his aloofness
And he had been one who attained the peace of his greeting
٣. اَثارَ عَلَيهِ إِلفُهُ حَربَ هَجرِهِ
وَقَد كانَ مِمَّن نالَ سِلمَ سَلامِهِ
4. So he left him, as if above a mote
It walked, not knowing of his malady
٤. فَغادَرَهُ لَو أَنَّهُ فَوقَ ذَرَّةٍ
مَشَت وَهي لا تَدري بِهِ مِن سَقامِهِ