
Young men endowed with generosity and munificence

وفتيان حووا كرما وجودا

1. Young men endowed with generosity and munificence
Attained from them what cannot be attained

١. وَفِتيانٍ حَوَوا كَرَماً وَجوداً
وَحازوا مِنهُما ما لا يُحازُ

2. If people's promises are fulfilled
Then their promises have no validity

٢. إِذا جازَ المِطالُ بِوَعدِ قَومٍ
فَلَيسَ لَهُ بِوَعدِهِمُ جَوازُ

3. In the faces of days they are beautiful
And in the brocade of life adorned

٣. هُم في أَوجُهِ الأَيّامِ حُسنٌ
وَفي ديباجَةِ الدُينا طِرازُ